Free kids books are easy to find with a little patience and creativity. These 15 resources will give you a head start on building your little one’s library to encourage brain development, language skills and communication (for free or cheap!).

Despite the cost of children’s books, we are big book readers (and bakers) in our family! When looking at the cost of a book for 5-10 pages running at $10, it is a crazy margin to consider when building a library for little one. Plus, in the first two years, it can be hard to keep a book in good condition when they are loved on or pages are turned too quickly.
We know the importance of reading to children from a young age. From language development, to comprehension, story telling and imaginative play, reading is great for children! We read 2-3 books per night with our little one before bed and many more throughout the days when off from work.
Here are 15 ways to receive free kids books (or purchase them for cheap!).
Library Card
Of course the library has to be on this list! Not only can books be rented and brought back by their due date, library’s often run programs for book buy backs and annual sales.
Our library even has a shelf of discounted books they are trying to get off their hands, year round! Plus, did you know some library’s have free programs each months kids can attend?
Library Enrichment Program
Our local libraries have enrichment programs each month for kids. Paired with sensory activities, songs, games and creative play, these programs are great for children. Not only do we leave with the catchy songs in our heads, but we will leave with a new book.
When the class starts, there are ‘warm ups’ to introduce everyone and get the children moving. Next, a book is read to the class. Finally, activities (both indoors and outdoors) are done. Sometimes these classes have a theme for one month or continue throughout a specific season. These classes often require registration in advance to ensure there is enough space for all the parents and children attending.
I highly encourage your family to check out your local library for free classes. As a bonus, check out the games and STEM activities which can be rented for free! This is an easy way to explore various sensory activities for cheap (plus they make great road-trip activities!).

Online Shopping
Of course online shopping has to be mentioned within this article. There are discount online book stores which gently used (or new) books for cheap. Similar to an overstock store, there are options like Book Outlet, Thriftbooks and Alibris, which offer one (or multiple) books for cheap.
Additionally, sites like Amazon and Ebay have fair prices on some of the top books. There is even a way to purchase used books on Amazon which are used gently and provided at a discounted price.
Utilizing a kindle is a great way to have free kids books on rotation. Often linked through the local library, programs like Libby and BookBub can provide books for free – right to your kindle!
We also use the kindle as a resource for audio books. Though there is a due date like renting from the library, simply turn your kindle on ‘airplane mode’ and you will not have to return them as quick.
Kid Resale Stores
Kids resale stores are for more than clothes! With cheap toys and kids books, it is easy to leave with multiple kids books for cheap.
Occasionally, with the purchase of a certain monetary value (IE $10), a child can receive a book or toy for free. We love receiving free kids books through our resale shops because it means the books are used twice and are still nice!
Goodwill / Thrift Stores
I would be mistaken if I did not suggest looking through a local thrift store or Goodwill for free kids books. The amount of books in good condition for prices less than $2 has us all leaving the store happy.
Plus, as a bonus there are often vintage books and lots of childhood favorites. Whether these books spruce up the bookshelf or are used for future entertainment, these stores are an underutilized source for free kids books.
Garage Sales / Estate Sales
Garage sales and estate sales are often an underutilized resource to find a free kids book. This trick is especially useful in neighborhoods with an abundance of children. Prices are often cheap (IE 25 cents per book) and are an easy way to build your children’s library.

Little Free Library
In many tourist areas, airports and local cities with fellow book lovers, Little Free Library’s are around. If you have yet to see a lending library, they are a true hidden gem for free kids books! We have lucked out on traveling to the local area and finding a lending library nearby a park.
Lending Library’s ask that you take a book and leave a book. While this does not happen all the time, they are often stocked with books found around town or even donated from local book stores or the library. Lending Library’s are a cute addition to any neighborhood.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
Depending on what city you live in, there may be access to free kids books through Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. The Imagination Library was started in 1995 and has provided over 2 million books monthly! By signing up through this website, children receive one free book per month up to 5 years of age.
Homeschool Programs
Though this requires a little digging, some homeschool programs will offer free kids books to parents. We were able to receive some brochures, crayons and free books through our local programs like the Fire Department and Poison Control, simply by asking for their preschool or K-12 materials.
Not only does this ensure children are exposed to their community, but they will learn and receive materials on safety and household circumstances which are important for childhood enrichment.

Scholastic Book Catalog
A great way to get free kids books (or for cheap) is by utilizing the Scholastic Book Catalog. Often offered to parents each month or quarter through schools, this is a great way to build up your library on cheap books. Plus, the books are often categorized by age or topic.
Discount Retail Stores
Stores like TJMaxx and Sierra Trading Post sell popular books for cheap! Though their selection is often limited, we have found cheap kids books under $7.
Some of our favorites include Snuggle Puppy, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and The Hungry Caterpillar. We have also found some Melissa and Doug “Poke-a-Dot” Books!
Retail Stores – Holiday Clearance
Once the holidays pass, all retail stores put their holiday books on sale. While this is not a method of obtaining a free kids book, it does reduce prices for holiday children’s books.
We always check out the clearance section at our local stores after a holiday has passed because the retail stores like to get rid of their supplies in order to prepare for the upcoming holiday.
Book Sale
Check out local book sales throughout the spring and summer. These can be held in the parks, downtown city centers and of course, during local festivals. We love a good summer book sale, especially because our local stores give you a bag to fill for $5.

Books over Birthday Cards
Our favorite method of obtaining free kids books is by asking for books instead of birthday cards. When we had our little ones baby shower, we also asked for books instead of cards. It was a great way to start off our little one’s library from scratch. We had over 30 books without even trying!
What is your favorite kids book? Our daughter’s favorite right now is this I Spy animals book and an animal encyclopedia which was gifted to us and purchased second hand!