Wondering how to make the Dad or man in your life feel special on Father’s Day without breaking the bank? Look no further, this budget friendly Father’s Day gift guide is a balance of experiences and free (or cheap) gifts to make them have a day to remember.

Below are different categories ranging from outdoor men to the prepared one – though some may fit in multiple categories.

For the Outdoor Man


  • Firstly, plan a day featuring outdoor experiences. Perhaps there is a physical activity the family can do together. A walk in a favorite park, a trip to the beach, kayak/ canoe, hike a new location or take a bike ride to the local ice cream shop.
  • Send him out to do his favorite summertime activity – fishing, backpacking, rock climbing, you name it- encourage him do it!
  • Host a bonfire equipped with all the summertime essentials – hotdogs, brats and of course, s’mores.

Gifts to Purchase:

  • This Smith and Wesson pocket knife is one of the more affordable ones on the market. I can not tell you the amount of times my husband uses his pocket knife per day. Because it is always on him, he opens packages with it, cuts paper and trims away any pesky shirt strings. This is one tool all guys should have in their back pocket [see what I did there 😉 ]
  • Yeti Hopper Cooler (A spurge item)
    • This cooler is by far one of our favorite purchases to date. It can fit a variety of items and rarely needs ice to keep everything cool. The cooler can fit a 6 pack of beer, snacks for lunch and even two dozen eggs. Because of it’s sleek design and tight zipper-like teeth, food and beverages will stay cold overnight. Take it to the beach or on your next adventure. I promise you will not be disappointed.
  • Solo Stove (A splurge item)
    • For the ‘keeper of the fire’, splurge on a solo stove! Currently found with discounts at Costco and Amazon, this smokeless fire pit is a new addition to our home and one we use as often as possible! This Solo Stove can be moved to any location, burns wood efficiently, keeps you warm and of course is an easy way to cook food. One of our favorite things about the Solo Stove is walking away from the campfire without smelling like smoke due to the design of the pit. The firepit has vents at the bottom to promote air flow and additional oxygen with the flames – a win – win in our book! Also, did I mention the exterior is beautiful?

For the ‘Prepared’ One


  • For the keeper of the home, safety awareness can come in many forms. Take a home self defense course together or review an emergency action plan. You can even review a will if you have one in place.
  • Check the vehicles to ensure they are travel ready. For the summer, refill windshield wiper fluid and check the oil and tire pressure. Heck, maybe give the car a good hand washing. Also, make sure those emergency kits/jumper cables are in the car. And if you live in a snowy state make sure the car is stocked with cat litter, a shovel and a snow brush.
  • Lastly, review 24 hour emergency bags (or the ‘oh sh*t kit’ as we call them) for the family. Is the contact information up to date? Fresh snacks and water packed? A spare set of clothes fresh and ready for the right season? All things considered, this bag will have you covered no matter the situation when running out the door.

Gifts to purchase:

  • SAM Splint
    • This SAM splint goes great inside a backpack and can be used for a variety of splinting needs. Additionally, it can be cut into different lengths as needed. While this version is rolled tight, it springs life when the seal is opened.
  • Flashlight
    • My husband and I both keep a flashlight next to our bedside at night within hands reach. Both for safety and making shadow animals with our hands, we have them all around our home. This flashlight is on my side of the bed and is easy to turn on as well as recharge due to the USB rechargeable feature.
  • Front Pocket Wallet – A splurge item
    • Finally, for a wallet with a minimalist feel, try this front pocket wallet. It has locations to hold the essentials (ID, a few dollar bills and a card or two) leaving little room for any junk.

For the Fitness Guru


  • Similar to our section about the outdoor man, there are a variety of free activities to get blood pumping for those while enjoy exercise! Hiking, exploring a new trail, taking a walk, running outside or swimming are all great options.
  • Attend a fitness class together or schedule a different physical activity new to everyone.
  • Finally, have a 5k race with the family or make a biking ‘neighborhood hot lap’ for some friendly completion. Track it on an app like Strava to see who can complete it the fastest.

Gifts to purchase:

  • LEMS – The first time we slipped on a pair of LEMS shoes, we felt like we stepped in butter. These shoes did not need to be broken in from the start and are like wearing Birkenstocks – but in a sneaker form. These shoes are zero drop and have a wide toe box, which is great for spreading toes and keeping proper foot alignment. LEMS regularly runs sales around the holidays and may have one near Memorial Day. We own the Mesa shoes (as they were the cheapest over the holiday season last year). Additionally, when you sign up for their email list, you can receive 10% off your first order and be the first to hear about sales.
  • Barbell Plate Clips
    • For those who enjoy weight lifting with a barbell, these clips are essential! These keep the plates on the barbell and are so easy to clip/unclip. Though many gyms have barbell clips, if it is busy, they can be difficult to obtain and often hard to squeeze. For home gyms, this is a must!
  • Acupressure Mat:
    • Recovery is a vital part of a fitness routine. This acupressure mat and pillow helps to increase blood flow, reduce pain and increase energy by 10 to 30 minutes a day. Sit, stand or lay in the mat to feel the benefits. Once this is added into the fitness routine, it will be hard to skip!

For the Book Worm


  • Take a trip to the local library. A lot of times, libraries have more to check out than books including different tools which can be used around the home, videos, and even gaming equipment.
    • If he already has a library card and your local library participates in Libby, browse free books or audiobooks together.
    • Mom-to-mom hack: Once you have downloaded a few books, turn off the wifi (go on airplane mode) on the kindle so you can keep your book until you are finished. It can not be returned until wifi is on!
  • Finally, be on the look out for a bargain at a local yard sale, hit up Goodwill or Salvation Army or ask a friend to do a book swap.

Gifts to Purchase:

  • Rechargeable Reading Light and Kindle Paperwhite
    • This rechargeable reading light is a perfect budget friendly Father’s Day gift. It is for the readers who want to dive into their book at any time of night. Once it is ‘lights out’ in our house, our reading lights and backlit kindles go on. We have kindle paperwhite’s in our house as it is vital to slip into a bag while traveling with limited space.
  • Kindle Case
    • This kindle case is a great option to protect the kindle as well. As you can see, there is no bad way to read – as long as it allows you to open the cover!

For those Enjoying Good Food and Beverages


  • Try a new recipe together.
  • If the man of the house enjoys making dinner and would like to prepare a meal for everyone on his special day, try making smoked beef tallow from a beef brisket!
  • Another idea is to create your own blind bourbon tasting. We like to have one person pour the bourbon (neat only, please!). Next, have everyone else state the tasting notes. Finally, have everyone make an educated guess what bourbon they think it is.

Gifts to Purchase:

  • Bourbon Ice Cube Molds
    • These circular bourbon ice cube molds are perfect to put within a glass of bourbon when sipping. While there are many shapes, we have found these glasses to be the ideal size and are easy to fill. They also do not take up much space in the freezer.
  • Snifter Glasses
    • Good bourbon should be shared with others and savored. These snifter glasses help the taster develop the complex flavor profiles because of their unique shape funneling all the smells straight to the nose. This comes as a set of four which is perfect to enjoy bourbon with friends.
  • Bourbon of the Month Club
    • Did you know there is are a variety of “Bourbon of the Month” Clubs? Take your pick between variety packs, singular specialty bourbon or a craft whiskey. If you still need convincing this is a great gift or to understand which monthly club is the best, the website ‘Liquor ‘compares them on this review here.
  • Beer Caddy Cooler
    • Keep your beer cool and carry it in fashion with this Legacy Beer Caddy Cooler. Holding a 6 pack of tall ones, this caddy also comes with a opener to enjoy beverages with ease.
  • Trager Grill and Grill Seasonings
    • While we are a fan of our Traeger Grill, we do not love their seasonings. Our favorite brand is ‘Meat Church’ and we put this Holy Gospel seasoning on everything i.e. burgers, chicken, beef, turkey, salmon – all the meats! Seasonings really are an easy budget friendly gift fit for any occasion.

Above all, dads are guaranteed to love any gift which comes from their family. Do you have any favorite experiences or budget friendly Father’s day gifts for the dad / father figure in your life? If so, share what you are purchasing below!

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